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Dr. Ballieux: Aesthetic Surgery in Uccle

aesthetic surgery uccle

Certified by the Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery, the European Union of Medical Specialists and also graduated of The European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. (E.B.O.P.R.A.S.), Dr Fanny Ballieux puts 13 years of study including 7 years of specialization at the service of your well-being in performing your aesthetic surgery in Uccle.

Her years of experience in plastic and aesthetic surgery have earned her a fully satisfied patient base. You too can have the face or body you’ve always dreamed of. Thanks to Dr. Ballieux’s talent, become a version of yourself more beautiful than ever.

Some examples of aesthetic surgery services in Uccle

The upper lip lift

An upper lip lift corrects the height of the upper lip and restores harmonious proportions between the nose and the mouth.


Stretch marks, sagging skin, loss of tone. The elasticity of the abdomen skin suffers from life experiences. Whether it is weight gain or loss, aging or pregnancy, these events leave marks on your body. Get rid of these marks with abdominoplasty.

The Mummy Makeover

The Mummy Makeover is a set of procedures dedicated to women who have given birth. Breast augmentation or breast lift reshape your breasts while abdominoplasty and liposuction firm up your abdomen.



Breast augmentation

Perceived as a true sign of femininity, a beautiful breast is the dream of many women. Breast augmentation meets your aesthetic needs, adjusts breast asymmetries and gives you a more voluminous neckline.

Face and neck lift

Nothing forces you to leave the luminosity and beauty of your youth behind. The face and neck lift restores the harmony of your face.

In tune with yourself through plastic surgery


Plastic and aesthetic surgeries are a tool towards harmony and adequacy between your body and your mind. Dr. Ballieux helps you restore and improve your image.

Get in touch with Dr Ballieux – Specialist in aesthetic surgery near Uccle

Do you live in Uccle and are looking for a plastic surgeon near you ? Dr Ballieux welcomes you to start your transformation. Make an appointment for your aesthetic surgery in Uccle.

Follow Dr. Ballieux on Instagram! @dr.fannyballieux

Chirurgie esthétique Uccle


Quality of products and human relations.


Respect and listening to patients, surgical ethics.


Integrity and professional ethics.

Get in touch with Dr. Ballieux

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